About: This & That
“The Review Diaries” is simplest form of “giving” art. Meaning that with her words she is able to give the community what they are looking for, give the business in question an accurate review and feedback of their services, hospitality, and, prices (if applicable), and give herself a piece of mind. Her secret? 100% honesty. Let’s face it, how does one make a different or a change if not honest about what needs to be changed? Aida’s does reviews about every location she steps foot in; i.e. : restaurants, hotels, gas stations, retail stores, banks, etc. As the saying goes, “no job is too big”.
About Aida:
Aida resides in Dubuque, Iowa, USA. Originally from Bosnia i Hercegovina, she came to the states in the late 90s. She’s passionate about making a difference, books (and books, books, books….), writing, animals, and volunteering. Her passion for writing brought her to this website release, because just as detailed and level-head as she is, she is also kind, compassionate, and giving. She has written a few books, ran her own version of a “thrift store”, and always living for a better tomorrow.
Also an avid reviewer on Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/@42.5192508,-90.7247742,15z?authuser=3
She has three furbabies: Lilly Beth, Mini Rose, and Luna Rae.