Sharon’s Furniture – Dubuque, IA
Moved to DBQ back in ’99, and Sharon’s is the only place we buy furniture from. I was a little heated last week when I bought my new Chime bed. Sharon’s has now three (3) different credit approval ordeals. But the crappy part is NONE OF THE ASSOCIATES tell you anything about them. Not the catches, not what is needed up front, nothing, nothing. It’s as if they’re afraid their honesty would lose buyers…….hm… Otherwise, every piece of furniture we’ve ever gotten from Sharon’s is perfect. EXCELLENT quality! Attempted Minnesota Furniture- the stupid section took a crap two weeks into purchase. Sticking to Sharon’s from now one!
The service wasn’t horrid, it was pleasant to be exact. They just don’t seem to include everything in their pitch of sales. You’re treated like you belong and that your time is valuable.
The prices are negotiable to certain extent, which is also fair. Everything about Sharon’s is fair, really. It seems as though they’ve organized all items to go from Lowest to Highest in pricing. I thought this bit was totally awesome. Keeps you from lurking around the store.
When you arrive, the building isn’t attractive at all. It feels as you’re about to dumpster dive. The indoors aren’t all that appealing either, but it’s easy on the eyes and doesn’t make your head hurt to look around at the beautiful items.